
Soybean Meal

Soybean Meal is the most important protein source used to feed farm animals. Soybean meal is the by-product of the extraction of soybean oil. Several processes exist, resulting in different products. Soybean meal is usually classified for marketing by its crude protein content. There are two main categories of soybean meal, the “high-protein” soybean meal with 47-49% protein and the “conventional” soybean meal, with 43-44% protein.

Technical Information

Soybean Meal Hign Protein

Protein 48% min.
Crude fat 1% max.
Crude ash 6% max.
Crude fibre 3% max.


Soybean Meal Medium Protein

Protein 44% min.
Crude fat 1% max.
Crude ash 6% max.
Crude fibre 7% max.